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The Lovetuner combines breathwork and sound healing with the healing power of the 528 Hz frequency


Sigmar Berg Lovetuner CEO & Founder Tuning in Traffic

Sigmar Berg Lovetuner CEO & Founder Tuning in Traffic

Join Lovetuner CEO & Founder, Sigmar Berg, as he shows you his ultimate tool to remain calm in traffic. The...

Respiratory Care Week: Breathe Better & Breathe Well with the Lovetuner

Respiratory Care Week: Breathe Better & Breathe Well with the Lovetuner

Breathing. We all do it, every minute of every day. But why are we so bad at it? The majority...

Make a Difference Day

Make a Difference Day

How Can YOU Make a Difference? It’s easier than you think. As a matter of fact, it’s pretty effortless with the...

Lovetuner Podcast - Jessica Headey Gandolfi of Harmonyum LA

Lovetuner Podcast - Jessica Headey Gandolfi of Harmonyum LA

Lovetuner CEO & Founder, Sigmar Berg, invites Lovetuner advocates to share their story and journey. On the latest episode of the...

World Mental Health Day: Share the Love & Conquer Stress

World Mental Health Day: Share the Love & Conquer Stress

One of the most amazing things about the Lovetuner is its ability to release stress and overcome anxiety through breath...

The Lovetuner: It's A Real Thing. Accept No Limitations.

The Lovetuner: It's A Real Thing. Accept No Limitations.

Today, it seems like everywhere you look there’s a new mindfulness tool purporting to help you conquer your anxiety. And...

Q & A With CEO And Founder, Sigmar Berg

Q & A With CEO And Founder, Sigmar Berg

Lovetuner CEO and Founder Sigmar Berg answers questions about the Lovetuner, addressing questions about the 528hz, the most significant Solfeggio...

Lovetuner: Rebalance, Release, Rest & Heal

Lovetuner: Rebalance, Release, Rest & Heal

The Lovetuner is a mindfulness tool designed to support your daily “Om”. Through the miracle of the 528hz love frequency,...

Zoom Out and Get to the State of No Mind

Zoom Out and Get to the State of No Mind

Lovetuner Founder and CEO, Sigmar Berg, shows you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Longer exhale, longer life. "Zoom out",...

Connecting to Nature and Exploring the Power of 528hz

Connecting to Nature and Exploring the Power of 528hz

The founder and CEO of Lovetuner, Sigmar Berg, encourages you to reconnect with nature through the Lovetuner and the power...

How Do You Meditate Using Solfeggio Frequencies? | Lovetuner

How Do You Meditate Using Solfeggio Frequencies? | Lovetuner

If you’ve been taking the time to meditate for stress alleviation and anxiety, you’ve probably heard of “solfeggio frequencies.” According...

Lovetuner Podcast Adam Hall & Sigmar Berg

Lovetuner Podcast - Adam Hall, Author, Futurist, Social Architect & Impact Investor

On today's podcast we invite Lovetuner Team Rider Adam Hall, author, futurist, social architect, and impact investor, to talk about...

World Children’s Day: Supporting our Future

World Children’s Day: Supporting our Future

Today, we celebrate those who will inherit our habits, our knowledge, and our earth.  Since 1954, World Children’s Day has...

Lovetuner Pride

Lovetuner Pride

If you haven’t noticed all of the rainbows where you live, you might be living under a rock. June is...

Regreso a clases: el alivio del estrés y la ansiedad con Lovetuner

Regreso a clases: el alivio del estrés y la ansiedad con Lovetuner

Es la época del año en que el verano está llegando lentamente a su fin y muchos de ustedes se...

Lovetuner Day 5 28 2021 Sigmar Berg

Lovetuner Day Celebration 2021

May is the fifth month of the year, and day 28 finishes the correspondence to the love frequency. We’ll be...

Lovetuner: 5-Minuten-Meditation, keine Abkürzung zur Meditation

Lovetuner: 5-Minuten-Meditation, keine Abkürzung zur Meditation

Was genau meinen wir genau, wenn wir über Lovetuning und Sofortmeditation sprechen? Es versteht sich von selbst, dass wir nicht...

Lovetuner Podcast - Gary Culp, Author Of "A Gift, Call It Grace"

Lovetuner Podcast - Gary Culp, Author Of "A Gift, Call It Grace"

We invite Lovetuner Team Rider Gary Culp, author, teacher, therapist, pastor, and world traveler, to talk about the power of...

Zurück zur Schule: Stress & Angstabbau mit dem Lovetuner

Zurück zur Schule: Stress & Angstabbau mit dem Lovetuner

Es ist die Zeit des Jahres, in der sich der Sommer langsam dem Ende zuneigt, und viele von Ihnen kehren...

Lovetuner: Una meditación de 5 minutos mas no un atajo a la meditación

Lovetuner: Una meditación de 5 minutos mas no un atajo a la meditación

¿A qué nos referimos exactamente cuando hablamos de Lovetuning y meditación instantánea? No hace falta decir que no queremos que...

Lovetuner mental health awareness, reduce stress, relieve anxiety, PTSD management

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health has been on the decline and seems to be facing a deep valley in these upcoming generations, perhaps...

Podcast With Musician & Producer Ali Love

Podcast With Musician & Producer Ali Love

We invite Ali Love, musician, singer, songwriter, and producer, to talk about the 528hz frequency and incorporating it into electronic...

How does your pineal gland work - and 5 ways to activate it

How does your pineal gland work - and 5 ways to activate it

The pineal gland, also known as the pineal body by some, is a small, pea-shaped gland located in the center...

Podcast With Dr. Chrissie Williamson

Podcast With Dr. Chrissie Williamson

Dr. Chrissie Williamson, Founder and CEO of Nutritional Genomics Institute, talks about an innovative approach to personalized medicine and nutrition,...

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